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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

All About Me

This was a project that was meant for us to explore and practice tool use, as well as tell a little about ourselves. The point was to go and find at least 10 images that had something to do with us, and arrange them into a photoshop document. Four of the images had to be cut out, and ther had to be a colored background and a laye of text with the person's name on it.

In this project, I have my full name, a fading black/white background, 6 cut out images, and 5 solid images.
The importance of the images?

Griffins: Griffins have to be my favourite mythical creature, and the two different shades symbolize that there's always anotther side to things.

Airplanes: The airplane going into the upper left corner and the airplane symbol in the upper right near the text are there because my ideal career choice would be Pilot.

The Cat and Dog: I love animals, and I have a few cats and 3 dogs.

Me: The nagative picture of me is something I made a while back.

Swingset: No matter how old I get, I love swingsets. They're a nice place to relax, read, or just think things over.

Hugh Laurie: House is my favourite TV show, so that's in there too.

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