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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Glowing Lights

We used the pen tool to make glowing lights in an image, and make an image itself from the glowing penstrokes.

Radial project: We made an s-shaped stroke, and duplicated and rotated until a circle was made.


Typography: Creating a picture from text

Macro Sharpening

 Tools: Filter>High Pass

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Midterm piece

This piece was the piece for my Mid-term exam. Selected the two people, refine edge, made shadows for them. Cloned out the timestamp at the top left corner. Put the picture of the fire hydrant in, layer masked the background out. Added lady walking dog for extra credit.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pop Art

During this assignment, I learned to use the Filters panel, the threshold option, the hard brushes, as well as making a new layer background copy for dodging and burning. I aadjusted the colors in black and white, applied a threshold, dodged and burned for detail, colored with a hard brush (creating a new layer for each color so that when the ben day dots were applied, they could be different) then I used the filter panel to apply ben day dots and other atristic effects to the bird lamp and the backgrround - what was originally a blank purple wall.


Pop Art Examples

Pop art is artistic movement that is influencd by popular culture or advertising. Bold colors, ben day dots, harsh lines and chaotic clashing are traits that pop art can take on, and well. The pictures I chose I like because each is significantly different than the others, they're all creative, and they all are pulled off very well.